Saturday, June 28, 2008

On a Break

Well, for the last several weeks, I have been in the "throws" of first trimester pregnancy with our third little one. It doesn't look like it's going to improve over the next few weeks, and then we'll be traveling to visit family. Keep me in your googlereader so you can know when I get back to scrapping! I miss it already!


Anonymous said...

I miss you too! I'm excited for your upcoming little one. That is awesome news! Good luck with it all!

Lois B said...

Enjoy your time off. Looks like you are going to be VERY busy in 6 months or so. Congratulations!

You will certainly be missed - your templates are awesome. As I emailed you the other day, I am new here and was so in awe, I downloaded all your templates except for the few I mentioned which had not valid links.

Meanwhile I have enough templates here to keep me going for a long time. Thanks for sharing

Kim Sandling said...

I'm sorry that you're having pregnancy woes! Take some time to "enjoy" the pregnancy. Hahaha! The baby is a joy, the pregnancy isn't always that joyful! It's good to see your post, but take the time you need to feel better and be with your family! I visit often to pick up a template to use when I'm making a page!

makuahine said...

Congratulations on your pregnancy! Take care of yourself!

Ryan said...

oh CONGRATULATIONS! Take it as easy as possible. I'll be here when you get back!

Caroline said...

congratulations :) how wonderful, so sorry to hear you're not feeling well though, Take Care :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the little-one-in-progress! Best of luck to you!

Ann said...

I miss you too, but now the most important item are you and the little little baby. Take care of yourself! I wish YOU the best!

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the rough patch. But when it's all behind you and the new little one is in your arms, all will be forgotten. Of course it would be really nice if you could speed up the process to get to the good part sooner!

Take as much time as you need to care for yourself. Your past generosity will hold us over for a long, long time. Your templates rock! Thanks for all of them.

Lisa said...

YIKES! Take care! Have a cracker on me! LOL

Christine said...

Well congratulations on your pregnancy! I hope you're feeling well soon and back to doing what you love!

Julie P. (babyofmine) said...

CONGRATS!!!!! :D :D :D
I am also pregnant with out third, though thankfully I'm in the 2nd trimester now. ;)
Take care, and I'll continue to pop in. :)

Tammy Dunlap said...

HOpe your doing well!